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Tennis Banquet Update

Updated: May 10, 2023

Links are coming tomorrow to:

  • When: Tuesday, May 16th, 5:30 PM

  • Where: 1st Baptist Church Sparta

  • What: Food, Awards, and Optional Tennis Tournament

  • Who: Middle School Tennis Players, High School Tennis Players, and Families

  • Cost: Free

Banquet Description: From 5:30pm - 7pm we're going to get together for one last time before closing out our 2023 seasons. We have a lot of celebrating a few more memories to make. We will begin our night enjoying photos, stories, and sights from our tennis players while we feast on a potluck style meal. Our seniors and 8th graders will have an opportunity to share their favorite memories from this season. Then coaches will give out three awards per team and a high school sponsor presentation. Athletes will have the opportunity to vote on some funny awards, which will be presented at the end of the meal. Then we'll clean up.

The Tournament: Last year was our first installment of a mini-fun tournament that Jon Powers and Lilly Colwell ended up winning. This year we'll have the same "Generations Doubles Tournament" from 7PM to 9PM for anyone interested. (This is a great time for siblings on the high and middle school team to play together or for aunts and uncles to get in on the action with their favorite players!

  • This tournament will be short, single elimination, with only one champion team.

  • Teams will play a 7 point tie breakers, so each match will be about 10 minutes long.

  • Teams must be a mixture of two of the three different generations: Middle School, High School, or Adult. (So you can have a Middle School Player partner with a High School Player or with an Adult. This is a great opportunity for siblings or parents to get in on the play!)

  • The winner will get to take home a trophy.

  • Sign Up for Tournament:

Speed Gun: We'll also have speed radar detector set up so that athletes can try to set the highest speed of the night. You'll get 3 balls to determine your highest speed. There will be one men's and one women's winner crowned at the end of the night.

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